Rachel Maddows about the un-debunkable lies on Fox

It is no longer possible to confront Fox News or the right wing about their lies, as they have become a self-contained echo chamber of falsehoods.

You can't talk to them...you can talk -at- them, but there's simply no way to have meaningful communications with people that delusional or that stupid. And the only other real possible explanation of their refusal to acknowledge reality is that they're lying, in which case they're not likely to admit it anyway...so again, no communications that mean anything.

Personally, I think only a few are lying (mostly the Republican leadership and the media figureheads)...the rest -are- just that stupid or mentally unstable. And sooner or later, the universe -will- enforce it's inevitable capital sentence against stupidity. I only hope they won't take too many of the rest of us with them.


That bit about the census being used against Japanese Americans is true. The way this story is positioned, it sort of made it sound like 100% of the things the right says is completely made up. Many times, it obviously is. But that particular event...the census being used against Americans...is true.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_American_internment (citations at the bottom of the page, if you distrust Wikipedia)

Lest anyone think I'm defending Ms. Bachman or Fox News, I'm most certainly not. I'm merely stating that that particular sound byte she uttered is true. I cannot help that.

This ugly truth serves us all best if we remember it...and that might be difficult hearing it embedded among the lies revealed by Rachel Maddow's story.


@shuac all good propaganda has a kernel of truth in it. The problem is that on the right they seem to pretend like that's the only purpose the census serves, and that nothing stands in the way of Obama interring conservatives whenever he feels like it.


What's maddening is that when you can show them direct evidence that they are wrong or fatal contradictions within their argument, they just move on to the next talking point as if the original falsehood never existed.

>> ^Stormsinger:

You can't talk to them...you can talk -at- them, but there's simply no way to have meaningful communications with people that delusional or that stupid. And the only other real possible explanation of their refusal to acknowledge reality is that they're lying, in which case they're not likely to admit it anyway...so again, no communications that mean anything.
Personally, I think only a few are lying (mostly the Republican leadership and the media figureheads)...the rest -are- just that stupid or mentally unstable. And sooner or later, the universe -will- enforce it's inevitable capital sentence against stupidity. I only hope they won't take too many of the rest of us with them.


I know it's been "poo poo"ed to compare events with historical similarities... But it's a valid observation.

- Ultra right wing movements start during times of hardship
- They make wild outrageous lies that get ignored by the mainstream as Crazy
- They recruit unhappy disgruntled people that want to believe someone is to blame.
- The propaganda usually make a scape goat for everything: Communists are to blame, Jews are to blame, Homosexuals are to blame, they are ruining everything, we should go back to the good old days when the fatherland was strong.
- Mostly the general public watch with curiosity and disbelief as it grows until the balance of power changes.

The 'crazy' fringe Tea party just pushed the balance of power back to the republicans.

What do you think will happen if they push the next election fully to the right and they have actual power?
Does anyone think that once they have power - the lies and propaganda will actually stop?

Imagine the US with a right wing majority and president, with FOX telling any untrue story they like, and then enforcing it in law because those in congress believe in Glenn Beck?


>> ^raverman:

I know it's been "poo poo"ed to compare events with historical similarities... But it's a valid observation.
- Ultra right wing movements start during times of hardship
- They make wild outrageous lies that get ignored by the mainstream as Crazy
- They recruit unhappy disgruntled people that want to believe someone is to blame.
- The propaganda usually make a scape goat for everything: Communists are to blame, Jews are to blame, Homosexuals are to blame, they are ruining everything, we should go back to the good old days when the fatherland was strong.
- Mostly the general public watch with curiosity and disbelief as it grows until the balance of power changes.
The 'crazy' fringe Tea party just pushed the balance of power back to the republicans.
What do you think will happen if they push the next election fully to the right and they have actual power?
Does anyone think that once they have power - the lies and propaganda will actually stop?
Imagine the US with a right wing majority and president, with FOX telling any untrue story they like, and then enforcing it in law because those in congress believe in Glenn Beck?

What do you mean? We've always been at war with Eastasia.

The fundamentalists are sure sounding a lot like the self-feeding propoganda system of North Korea.

North Korea is best Korea!

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