President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech


Damn that's interesting.

From the horse's mouth. You wouldn't get more informed than the president as to if there is a secret global conspiracy / new world order. And here's JFK saying publicly "There is, and we need the media and the people to be informed and educated to stop them."

And then he was assassinated in and murkiest of circumstances.

And ever since subsequent administrations have removed more and more freedoms and had more and more secrets, all in the name of "protection" and "Security" - exactly what JFK described.


A favorite among conspiracy theorists, but as seen in the length of the video, it's taken out of context.

He's referring to the Soviet Union.

No NWO, no illuminati, no shapeshifting devil worshipping reptile secret goverment.


ElJardinero, it matters not what he's referring to today his words still ring true especially in light of bush trying to relight his legacy. Bush's administration was the most secret in a long time, soviet union or NWO it matters not his words are still important today!

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