Playful Pet Fish. He would rather play than eat!

"This little guy just loves to watch me wherever I am in the room, he'll do anything to get my attention. And when I look at him he flares out his gills and dances from side to side just hoping that I'll come over to play. If I drop food in the aquarium he'll ignore it and hope to play. I have to walk away to get him to go find the food which has floated away by then" - video description quote.

Is this sweet fish just lonely? Not much entertainment value in that environment ... looks to me anyway.

I've had a variety of fish several times in my life. Many have displayed distinctive personality traits and would be amazingly interactive with me. Elvis and Costello [Oscars] were my favorites as was Jambi [goldfish ... old vids still on YT]. Too bad I dreaded cleaning those tanks though [ugg]. Coupled with the heartache of the eventual/inevitable burial at 'sea' [in most cases], my urge for serenity on that front has been satiated for good.


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