Permanently banned from the Metrorail for Taking Photos

"We had planned to ride the Metrorail through three stations to see if anybody would try to stop us from taking pictures of the trains.

We didn’t even make it inside the first station.

By the time it was over, three hours after a security guard told us it was against the law to take pictures in the parking lot of the Douglas Road Metro Station in Miami, a 50 State Security Captain had banned us for life from ever setting foot on the Metrorail again.

All because we took photos in the parking lot." quoted from

non compliant citizens will be punished.

evan if u think these guys are waisting police time and doing it just to be anoying .

the piont is why is it ok for goverment to stick up thousends of CCTV cams and demand for your ID whenever thay want to , but its not ok for a gneral person to film or take photographs in a public place .


Well now I`m actually feeling terrorized. This is appalling and unfortunately not unique to Miami. I`ve been yelled at by employees in many transit agencies across North America (yes it happens in Canada too) for taking photos (I like trains!). It`s a cliché perhaps, but when our own governments and their employees restrict our freedoms under the guise of security, then the terrorists have succeeded in a remarkable transformation of our way of life, with relatively little effort. Fear has got to be the most powerful force there is. I am saddened.


OMFG, if a terrorist wanted to take pictures, they could. This is ridiculous. I fucking hate cops. And then a Homeland Security guy shows up to verify they aren't on a watch list? WTF is happening in this country? "Terrorism" is being used to justify just about any action a cop/rent-a-cop wants to take. Too many cops in this country. Too goddamned many cops. Look at the way they all puff up, as if they are truly making a difference, and not just feeding their egos.

It's time for a bloody revolution. This shit has to end.


Thanks for keeping us safe from terrorists. Though, it seems I am more scared of the police than I ever was a terrorist. Is it worse to take my life away or everything that I can do with it, hard to say.

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