Painting At The Break of Day

Read the disclaimer at the beginning of this video, and you'll be freaked out by the coincidences that take place, especially regarding the timing. This was intended to be a comedy, but the events that ensued very shortly after its production forever altered that. Just watch.

I'm of the opinion that the description is misleading. There's nothing I can find to suggest that this was pure co-incidence...

I would have to say by a) His reaction, and b) The fact that there seems to be zero other point to the piece, that while yes, it is a real controlled implosion, that this piece was indeed shot with full knowledge that it was going to happen.


>> ^spoco2:
I'm of the opinion that the description is misleading. There's nothing I can find to suggest that this was pure co-incidence...
I would have to say by a) His reaction, and b) The fact that there seems to be zero other point to the piece, that while yes, it is a real controlled implosion, that this piece was indeed shot with full knowledge that it was going to happen.

The coincidence is not the silos imploding. That was intended.
The coincidence is him setting up with the WTC in the background afterwards.

Towers fell 3 Weeks later...


maatc: Ahh, right, ok I stand corrected then, ok then yes, that is a little on the freaky side.

And as such this gets an upvote.

And I can't abide by the 'too soon' comments... unless it was a joke, because, come on, this is 2008 now, 7 years later (well, closer still to 6 I guess). You can't make anything at all to do with the WTC be off limits for talking, discussing or seeing, that's just ridiculous.


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