Original Star Wars Kid Video

The original Star Wars Kid video.

guilt free anyway, nobody forced him to do that.

here's a rave remix, very good music http://video.google.co.uk/url?docid=1479906682277336545&esrc=sr16&ev=v&q=star+wars+kid&vidurl=/videoplay%3Fdocid%3D1479906682277336545%26q%3Dstar%2Bwa

here's the famous version with lightsabers added: http://video.google.co.uk/url?docid=-2566402710788023098&esrc=sr2&ev=v&q=star+wars+kid&vidurl=/videoplay%3Fdocid%3D-2566402710788023098%26q%3Dstar%2Bw


what the $%*& was that ? I must've been living under a rock cause I never heard or seen this...WTF ??? tell me this kid did it as a joke...right ? i was crying from laughing so hard. it looked like he almost hurt himself a few times flying off screen. the shit people do when they think no one is watching !! but I will say this...he probably is awesome by now if he keeps up his practicing and watches these tapes back critically.


I heard he couldn't handle it and parents had to take him out of school and all. I hope that's not true. If he had the right perspective on this, he would market himself and make a million.

It certainly would be poetic justice for the "friends" that posted this vid of him in the first place.


@qruel, the story I heard was that he filmed this at school just fooling around with a couple of his buddies, probably in some sort of broadcasting class. Obviously one of them thought it would be funny to upload it.

[Edit] In fact, Wikipedia backs that story up.


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