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O'Reilly: CNN Owes Sarah Palin An Apology!

CNN apparently went over the top when quoting the National Review.

I have noticed NBC has begun to nitpick the Republican nominees for minor and insignificant issues but at least they don't create utterly unsubstantiated pretenses such as that the 'liberal' media can't stand a prominent pro-life female.

Conservatives need to remember the 1970s? Maybe Laura Ingraham needs to remember the 1990s.


I'm convinced now that there is no way those two can believe the bullshit coming out of their mouth. No matter how many times they say it.

She's doing her duty to help the economy by buying $150k in clothes??? Come on, seriously?


This vile woman. She gets 90 seconds at the end to talk about what McCain should do the last 13 days and she just talks about how if Obama was elected everyone would live in hell-like agony. Just look at her go. Despickable.


You know... I find O`reilly much scarier when he´s calm and actually Agrees to another persons´ saying... Its just mind boggling.

oh, and This is Madness!!!


I don't think they realize that my first house didn't cost 140,000 dollars, when someone spends that much money on clothes, it says a lot about em. Should she look good, Yes. Should we be talking about it, yes, Since she stopped talking to the press, let em run any thing they can!

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