A mentally disturbed fundie Christian has been harassing atheists/scientists with a flood of abuse and thousands of death threats for over ten years. The video says that the petition and emailing campaign served "to help with the investigation", but this is not true. The investigation was the <i>result</i> of increasing pressure being put on the Montreal police (such as the petition and email campaign), especially since the creep had started showing up at secular/atheist events (that's how he was identified), causing people to seriously apprehend an Arizona-shooting-style event.
Good news: Mr. Markuze no longer lives with his mum, but has been interned in a psychiatric ward for a month.
Boise_LibFundamentalism is some scary shit.
Monotheism strikes again.
MorganthDepends on what the fundamental is. No one's ever scared of the Amish, but if they're not fundamentalists, no one is. >> ^Boise_Lib:
Fundamentalism is some scary shit.
Monotheism strikes again.
True, it's not the fundamentalists but the fundamentals that are the problem:
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thank you Sam Harris'
peaceful religion?, if these types of believers were around 2000yrs ago they would probably like to think that they would be a disciple, but would probably be a part of the lynch mob calling for the execution of Jesus. To call yourself 'Christian' or a true-believer in anyway while holding this judgmental, divisional mindset is nothing less than appalling, and i am speaking as a non-believer.
Boise_LibThank You @Morganth, you inspired me to find, and post, this.
And Thank you @hpqp, I feel more educated every time I interact with you.
criticalthudsays...amish - true, they aren't violent, but there is still some deep rooted irrationality there. that's some serious whackadoodle.
A10anisYet another example of the tolerance of religion. How many more nut jobs are out there who seriously believe that killing a non-believer is doing their gods work? I hope he's prosecuted but, unfortunately, he will see himself as some sort of martyr to his brainwashed cult.
rottenseedIn the US he isn't a "disturbed fundie Christian," he is the norm...and he's coming to get you.
Yogi>> ^Morganth:
Depends on what the fundamental is. No one's ever scared of the Amish, but if they're not fundamentalists, no one is. >> ^Boise_Lib:
Fundamentalism is some scary shit.
Monotheism strikes again.
That's a very good point. I don't understand why fundamentalists need to tell everyone else how to live. I think it has something to do with being adjacent to power. Give fundamentalists power and you have problems...the Amish, I don't think they seek power too much.
bamdrewI like to think its a sort of hybrid of bigotry and empathy... the individual feels that you are willfully ignoring something that is terribly important to them, and that sets you apart as someone different but also needing help.
"Hell is a bad place; you don't want to end up there; just start believing and quit arguing with me wierdo!"
>> ^Yogi:
>> ^Morganth:
Depends on what the fundamental is. No one's ever scared of the Amish, but if they're not fundamentalists, no one is. >> ^Boise_Lib:
Fundamentalism is some scary shit.
Monotheism strikes again.
That's a very good point. I don't understand why fundamentalists need to tell everyone else how to live. I think it has something to do with being adjacent to power. Give fundamentalists power and you have problems...the Amish, I don't think they seek power too much.
Smugglarnsays...It's just a question of numbers. As long as the fundamentalists are in the minority everything is peachy and we should tolerate them.
The day they're not we are fucked.
Unless we develop Dubstep guns.
quantumushroomPlease do not confuse a mentally unbalanced individual with fundamentalism.
I know that's the entire point of this sift, but still...
Drachen_Jagersays...These atheists, blowing everything out of proportion. I'm sure he was probably just speaking German, he didn't mean 'die athiests die!', he meant 'the athiests the!'.
ponceleon>> ^Drachen_Jager:
These atheists, blowing everything out of proportion. I'm sure he was probably just speaking German, he didn't mean 'die athiests die!', he meant 'the athiests the!'.
No one who speaks German could be an evil man!
gharkSounds like business as usual for nutbags.
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