From The Verge:

Recently featured as a Vimeo staff pick, this short from Marco-Antoine Locatelli is a beautiful, black-and-white sequence that showcases a dancer "interacting" with animated light. At times, Lucas Boirat seems to be struggling to control the white beams, while other moments see him masterfully manipulating the motion graphics into a variety of shapes. Locatelli's edits are frequent, but they're executed in such a way that the video is perfectly matched with its soundtrack. And by having his dancer step back into the dark after each sequence, the director is able to make the whole performance come together more cohesively.

Sending this video to Beggar's Canyon to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter SpaceOddity.


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by chingalera.


"Recently featured as a Vimeo staff pick, this short from Marco-Antoine Locatelli is a beautiful, black-and-white sequence that showcases a dancer "interacting" with animated light."

Um, nope. Not a lightsource he's interacting with, just an animation of geometric forms. Too bad.


I suspect that's the reason for quoting the word interacting.

I quite like these mixed dance/projection/animation performances...they're approaching a whole new form of art.


"Recently featured as a Vimeo staff pick, this short from Marco-Antoine Locatelli is a beautiful, black-and-white sequence that showcases a dancer "interacting" with animated light."

Um, nope. Not a lightsource he's interacting with, just an animation of geometric forms. Too bad.

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