YouTube description:
Scientists have combined ultrasound, viruses and synthetic drugs to control regions of the brain.
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Special thanks to Prof. Mikhail Shapiro and Dr. Jerzy Szablowski: Human brains are complicated - the most complicated thing in the known universe, many people say. So far we understand little - just that certain regions of the brain appear to be involved in certain activities and certain disorders. In extreme cases this has led to the practice of removing sections of the brain, or using electrodes or optical fibers to control activation rates. What is unique about this approach is it offers a way to turn on and off specific brain regions without invasive surgery. It has promise because it combines existing technologies: micro-bubbles, ultrasound, synthetic viruses, and synthetic drugs to achieve this goal.
Special thanks to Patreon supporters:
Donal Botkin, James M Nicholson, Michael Krugman, Nathan Hansen, Ron Neal, Stan Presolski, Terrance Shepherd
Animations and editing by Alan Chamberlain
Music from "Experimental1"
(H/T @
notarobotI can't see this kind of technology ever going wrong or getting misused.
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