Neil deGrasse Tyson Opening a Model Rocket

Neil deGrasse Tyson excitingly opens his new toy, a model Saturn V rocket, at his office.

>> ^deathcow:
A great video, where a great guy shows great enthusiasm for a great model of a great rocket. Plus he looks like a great boss to work for. What else do you want from a video?

You've gotta just beam when you see people who get excited about things in such a way. It usually doesn't matter what it is when you're exploring something new with someone who's knowledgeable and excitable about the subject it's almost always a good time.


He is one of the coolest guys ever. I'd love to meet and have a chat with him in person. Almost wish I continued in my study of astrophysics instead of switching to the computer engineering field. Just for the slight chance to be able to work with him.

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