Motion Capture without markers, Awesome!

A new motion-capture technology could allow even low-budget film makers to use sophisticated animation.

While good for cgi playback this wouldn't be good for games imo becuase it doesn't capture the point-to-point joint relationships that are needed to generate -new- random movements based on players joystick, mouse, or keyboard input.

They do say they "estimate" and apply a (rather crude looking) skeleton after capture, but they only show it doing the same recorded movement as before. My guess is it's because it doesn't look very good when the model deforms horribly as it tries to do any new un-recorded movement.

Basically ya still gotta be able to calculate the precise interactive relationships of foot, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, head, elbow, wrist, fingers. Polygons rule!


and i bet the dancing girl looks weird if her hair isn't tied up.

but anyway this is cool, at least while we wait for the console that can do a gajillion polygons and realtime physics of skirts and hair. and water. oh yeah. i'm waiting.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'motion, capture, 3d, clothing, dancing, movement, cameras' to 'motion, capture, 3d, clothing, dancing, movement, cameras, tech, neato, cgi' - edited by lucky760


Motion capture sucks. It never looks as good as decent quality animation and if you're going to use realistic human styled characters moving in ways humans can move (ie no superhero moves, cartoony moves or exaggerated movement) then you should just be filming with real actors.

This is why Beowulf and Polar Express sucked.

Aside from which, most motion capture is not clean, it needs an animator to fix all the little issues that occur anyhow. See Max Steel Season 3 Episode 1 where Max and Kat are fighting with staffs down a staircase and onto pilings for an example of "motion capture" that's actually about 75% properly animated because it's nearly impossible for the mocap crew to actually perform that crap. Believe me it would have been less animation work to just animate it from the beginning.


"Enables capturing of complex jazz dance performances" Oh thank god... I'd been waiting ALL THESE YEARS for the ability to do so. Thankyou, Thankyou... now I can capture the hours of jazz dancing I've always dreamed of.

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