(Mostly) Black Friday Shopping Chaos [Super Cut Compilation]

"Fights, stampedes, riots and utter chaos, this latest super cut compilation shows that Black Friday is an out of control American tradition that has a way of bringing out the worst in people who are unaware that it's 2013 and Cyber Monday is now the best shopping day of the year."

From http://www.dorkly.com/embed/56927/black-friday-brings-out-the-worst-in-humanity ...

Note: Some are not even from USA like at 2:58.
Trancecoachjokingly says...

This is why I only hire the BIG poor people to do my shopping for me. It's really the best option: staying above the fray but still getting all the best deals!

P.S. It's as bad as you expected
and in case you're keeping score...

"My favorite thing about Black Friday is when we upper-middle-class educated people can make fun of all the uneducated poor people at Walmart who stood in line to get discounts on TVs and video games. (My second favorite thing is pretending that we're doing this as a critique of consumerism, rather than as an excuse to express our social superiority.)" --Jason Brennan


Next year, someone needs to organize these pushes into flash-n-dash mobs-
Bypass those check-out booths like they do the front door hinges and just loot the shit outta all these stores!!
Give it few years they won't have to organize the mob, they'll put 2 and 2 together and move like a cohesive unit


The problem is that stores promote this nonsense. Instead of making it a chaotic free-for-all, why not require people to reserve what they want to buy and then pick it up at their leisure? You could still give people the satisfaction of believing that they got great deals while avoiding unnecessary violence and destruction.

Then we have the issue of holidays existing solely to promote excessive spending, all because arbitrary dates on a calendar say you should give people gifts and expect to receive them in part.


People wouldn't buy as much if there wasn't the possibility to be the one to miss out. The violence is necessary because they need the competition aspect.


The problem is that stores promote this nonsense. Instead of making it a chaotic free-for-all, why not require people to reserve what they want to buy and then pick it up at their leisure? You could still give people the satisfaction of believing that they got great deals while avoiding unnecessary violence and destruction.

Then we have the issue of holidays existing solely to promote excessive spending, all because arbitrary dates on a calendar say you should give people gifts and expect to receive them in part.

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