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More Primary Voter Suppression In Puerto Rico

Before California and New Jersey, Hillary Clinton won the Puerto Rico Democratic primary. But, many are claiming fraud and voter suppression in the wake of her victory. It mainly has to do with a sudden reduction in polling locations, delay in certifying Sanders' poll workers, and shutting out 400,000 people from voting, or just general incompetence. Who knows? Carlos Delgado does and he filed this report. This and more on Redacted Tonight.

I'm starting to wonder if any of the states where Clinton "won" had NO irregularities.
Either the fix is in terribly, or the election process is irreparably broken. Either way, we are totally screwed come Nov 8. Remember, the voting machines are all made by republicans. If irregularities are something to be ignored and 'poo-pooed' rather than investigated thoroughly, that hands Trump the presidency.
Game over, people, game over.

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