Mitchell and Webb - Hilarious Schedule

Once again David Mitchell wraps it up in perfect style

>> ^spawnflagger:

actually Comic Sans was developed to be more legible for people with dislexia.
LOLOLO !!!!!11

Mm, no, in fact its designer Vincent Connare says it was originally intended for Microsoft Bob, the patronising interactive Windows interface for the, er, technologically challenged. Mind you, Even if it had been chosen for use in MS Bob it still would have been shit.


>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

Mm, no, in fact its designer Vincent Connare says it was originally intended for Microsoft Bob, the patronising interactive Windows interface for the, er, technologically challenged. Mind you, Even if it had been chosen for use in MS Bob it still would have been shit.

I stand corrected. I do remember reading about Comic Sans being more legible for dislexics, and it seems there are actually a few dislexic-friendly fonts based on it -

but yes, the original designer did intend it for Bob
(it's weird though, the story says he was too late for Bob, which was released in '95, even though he made the font in '94. I couldn't find a release date for MS 3D Movie Maker, which was first app to include it)


Who cares. It's a font. It says the same thing no matter what font it's in (well, except maybe Winddings). And it's a tie. It serves the same purpose... wait, what's the purpose of a tie again? Oh, I remember: to look like a professional douchebag. That's right, the tie is the professional version of a titlted hat in hip hop.


>> ^poolcleaner:

Who cares. It's a font. It says the same thing no matter what font it's in (well, except maybe Winddings). And it's a tie. It serves the same purpose... wait, what's the purpose of a tie again? Oh, I remember: to look like a professional douchebag. That's right, the tie is the professional version of a titlted hat in hip hop.

Some people care about good design. If you don't, that's perfectly OK (I'm sure there are things that you're interested in that I don't care about either), but why criticise those who do care about good typography? I think the typeface does change what something "says" - for better or for worse, people make value judgements on whether to see a play, buy a DVD, shop in a certain store, or read a book by what is used to advertise it. Sure, it's not as important as the content of the book/play/film, but when you're trying to let your customers know what the product is like and help them decide whether it's "their sort of thing", such stylistic choices have a lot of impact. You might think it's trivial, but ask yourself if you'd feel 100% comfortable walking into a hospital seeing the hospital's name and all the signs in Comic Sans? Wouldn't you feel that they weren't taking this "being a hospital" stuff seriously?

Oh, and the gentleman in your avatar picture is wearing a tie.


>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^poolcleaner:
Who cares. It's a font. It says the same thing no matter what font it's in (well, except maybe Winddings). And it's a tie. It serves the same purpose... wait, what's the purpose of a tie again? Oh, I remember: to look like a professional douchebag. That's right, the tie is the professional version of a titlted hat in hip hop.

Oh, and the gentleman in your avatar picture is wearing a tie.

Yeah, he's an insane, crippled Nazi.


^ And I would totally go to a hospital with Comics Sans -- Oh! Or graffiti letters. That would be kinda neat. Did I mention that I haven't shaved in the last 2 months and I'm wearing a Chewbacca t-shirt?

EDIT: Also, is it just me, or does anyone else find it to be completely insane that a sketch about typeface is sitting high on the top 15, whilst an essential video of Mahatma Gandhi explaining his philosophy and ideology sits at a lowly 4 votes? I know that what I find important is, to others, trivial and occasionally an affront to decent society but COME ON!


>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
>> ^poolcleaner:
Who cares. It's a font. It says the same thing no matter what font it's in (well, except maybe Winddings). And it's a tie. It serves the same purpose... wait, what's the purpose of a tie again? Oh, I remember: to look like a professional douchebag. That's right, the tie is the professional version of a titlted hat in hip hop.

Oh, and the gentleman in your avatar picture is wearing a tie.

Yeah, he's an insane, crippled Nazi.

Is he? Then that just goes to show that even insane, crippled Nazis can be transformed into debonair gentlemen when correctly attired.

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