Military Helicopters Flyby Under Brooklyn Bridge in NYC

Military helicopter flyby underneath the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC

Why? Mustn't be that difficult to pull off such NOE flying for those skilled pilots and not that impressive to look at for the public...unless they actually want to actually alarm/unease the public. But IF the .001% chance of an accident does happen, it'll be a big mess economically, politically and a huge embarrassment for the military.

Is this done because of the UN General Assembly I saw & heard going on? It's the only reason that this makes sense.


Anyone who's seen a FOD check on an aircraft carrier realises how retarded one helicopter doing this is, let alone a squadron. Chunks of shit fall off those bridges every day just due to age. Not to mention idiot pedestrians actually TRYING to hit one with a beer bottle. One big enough piece of debris into the jet intake and you're in the river.

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