Melting ice caps could cause gravity shift

The continuing loss of mass from the Antarctic ice sheets could subtly yet significantly shift the Earth's gravitational field, thus influencing sea levels around the globe.

so scientists only warn about N.Y wash D.C and san francisco,
what about ALL of florida?miami,tampa,jacksonville?
this state is an avg of 3 inches above sea level!
why dont they just come out and say it..'re FUCKED.

*NOW SEEKING* to rent a room from anybody living in a high altitude zone.
i am relatively tidy,get along with pets and children,can cook better than your mom (thats true)..sorry..i dont do windows.
reach arounds are extra.
minor possible conflict:wicked bad addiction to pornography.


Those few extra meters of sea level rise due to the gravity shift really won't mean that much in the scheme of things when you consider that there's already a 70m rise due to the melting of Antarctica.

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