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Meekakitty Has Issues With Her Internet Provider

Meekakitty, who aside from a Don't Unplug Me music video hasn't been Sifted yet, goes on a rant about how the cable company was unable to provide her help when she had Internet connection issues, but got online thanks to a friend that was in town. The good ol' tech support at the cable company... I could go into my own rant...
Meekakitty is a geek girl that is pretty, if a bit too young for some of us, going to Comic-Con dressed up, Star Trek conventions, and into various sci-fi stuff. Basically a geek's dream come true... although she is a bit crazy and random, though that can be somewhat charming at times.
A few random vids if you want to see more of her quirky style:
Her talking about going to a Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas: (she looks great as 7 of 9).
Before going to said convention:
Talking about a hat:
Weird Hobbies:

I watched this for a while because she is quite attractive and the video seemed it might have some potential to go some where and maby be amusing in content. but the more I listen to her the more annoying she became.

If this was an ugly guy presenting the video It would not annoy me so much if just close the video and forget about it , but what annoys me with this is that its another woman that on the face of it seems like they might have been a femail equivalent of angry video game nurd or that Brit guy that reviews the shit consoles. but then when it came down to it it just came across as contrived and forced. (despite the fact that it was well produced and edited which is weird)

The only Face to cam woman I know on the internet that's good is that russan girl that does atheist videos and really she is not that good but at last she is in the top % of people male or femail I find the russen girl easer to watch and listen to than pat condel or thunder foot.

I want to see more competent women making videos in subject areas that I enjoy , there is nothing hotter than a girl that is informed confident and witty within Sceince, Games, philosphy , computing.

Its totaly unfair that Girls that are atracted to geek guys have a huge number of people to gawk at and lust over , but men such as myself have fuck all.

Its bullshit , and then u have these womens rights people saying its men repressing them which is utter shit as anny dipshit can pick up a camara and make you tube videos.

EDIT >>>>>>

"although she is a bit crazy and random, though that can be somewhat charming at times." well that's a load of shit her randomness is totally contrived and not realy that random , its the kind of random you have when sum-one watches allot of manga and starts to copy the stuff they see in them.


I initially started watching because of the cute factor, but quickly became annoyed at her self-aggrandizement with respect to computer literacy. On a scale of 0=10, a 6 or 7 should know how to properly configure a home network.


>> ^mtadd:

I initially started watching because of the cute factor, but quickly became annoyed at her self-aggrandizement with respect to computer literacy. On a scale of 0=10, a 6 or 7 should know how to properly configure a home network.

lol on her scale she is probably a 2-3 , I would put sum-one like john car-mac at 9-10

A person that can build pc's designs software or can code to a basic level is probably around a 5-6 once you get to that level you can pritty much work you way out of anny computer issue it would just be a case of time and researching it but you would have all the understanding neaded.

anything after 6 would be where I would put people that work in research or engine programming , maby guys that design cpu arcutecture.

Charles Babbage needs to slap this girl.


Anyone who unplugs their computer and lets it sit for a few minutes as a way to solve an internet outage (or, really, anything except overheating equipment) is a 4 at best.


This style of comedy reminds me of Hunter Cressel and his Mac Parody ad except well... his was far funnier... this ones just annoying. Computer savy around a 5-6.... ahhhh sounds more like a 3-4 to me too....


Hm I guess on a truly empirical scale I would only rate about a 7. I do have to say Carmack would be a 10 though. How much more depth of understanding of "computers" can you have than John Carmack? The entire GPU industry takes cues from him, and GPUs are more complex than CPUs in many ways!

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