Kaizers Orchestra - Begravelsespolka

Great Norwegian rock music.

Translation (via YouTube comment by tmr):

"All rise! Yes, it's me! Thank you! Thank you! Yes, it's me. It's no longer about beliving. It's rather time to realize a couple of things. Like for example, 14 years ago, when you were born. Who do you think was there? I won't say more than that. It's in the beginning and in the end of your life that I am present. And, yes sir!
Why do you think I'm here? To be entertained? No! To be understood? Yes! You have to take my word for it. It's not your fathers brother you should fear. It's your mother. Ohh!
And it isn't your dream you're living. Your nightmare, it isn't yours. It's your mother's. It's me you're going to recognize, as I erase you with my brush.

This polka, it made you in to something. You were born with this joy and this pain in your life. And this polka, you'll never get enough of it. You were made from this song and in to this song you'll become.

No enough about me! Let's talk a little about you. What do you think about me? Maybe you haven't thought about me as often as I've thought about you. Have you thought about that? Just think about how many times I've imagined it, visualized and directed your last hour. I can't help it, it's my nature. I put my soul in it.

This polka, it made you in to something. You were born with this joy and this pain in your life. And this polka, you'll never get enough of it. You were made from this song and in to this song you'll become.

Both you and I have seen where your road is leading to. What has your mothers finger got to do in this? Tell her, this is my show! I set the time and place and smell and colourplay for everyone that I've sworn could become something. Tell your mother to not touch my funeral polka.

This polka, it made you in to something. You were born with this joy and this pain in your life. And this polka, you'll never get enough of it. You were made from this song and in to this song you'll become."

Kaizers Orchestra - Enden Av November has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Kaizers Orchestra - Evig Pint has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Kaizers Orchestra - Bak et Halleluja has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Kaizers Orchestra - Kontroll På Kontinentet has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.

Rock Concert on a Spectacular Cliff. Beautiful. has been added as a related post - related requested by Lilithia.


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