Kai Remixed: SMASH SMASH SMASH mashup


With things like this I start thinking people have become a little too desensitized to things these days.

I mean, this is a 'funny song' version of him regaling us with how he just killed someone.

Seems a little off to me.


The news report and followup said that the driver was taken into custody, and that no one died in the exchange.


With things like this I start thinking people have become a little too desensitized to things these days.

I mean, this is a 'funny song' version of him regaling us with how he just killed someone.

Seems a little off to me.


I didn't know that. It changes things a bit, but still, it's making light of a situation where one man pinned another between a car and truck while another bashed a man's head with a hatchet.


The news report and followup said that the driver was taken into custody, and that no one died in the exchange.


I agree this mashup is pretty evil. But, at least Kai was there... to Smash, Smash, Smash and save that ladies life and take a complete psycho off the street.

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