"Oh shit. I don't actually sound like that do I?" [if only]

YouTube: John Oliver covers the Democratic convention and the unconventional state of our democracy.

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Another perspective....


Dude, that's obviously fake. You can hear the abrupt cuts in the audio and see that he never shows the stage. That video was created two days in to the DNC when nothing important was happening. Just stop.

If you really want to see how the DNC supported Hillary take a look at the first few seconds of this video:


Another perspective....


How would you fake it? It's possible the youtube poster misrepresented the timing of the video it looks like it's the preamble to Hillary's acceptance, not her actual corination, but it's clear there is a schism in the Democratic party.


Craigslist advert seeking actors to fill the seats of the Bernie delegates walked out or locked out of convention:


This video seems to support that: https://vid.me/4tYB

More on the video showing "reserved for actors" signs: http://usuncut.com/politics/bernie-delegate-blackout-dnc-tactics/

Now I suppose you would tell me all of that ^ is just some hoax?


Dude, that's obviously fake.



Ok... so after watching your clip... i have to ask. You seriously watched that and went... Oh yeah!... thats legit!... Really?

Next link... Alex Jones?... yeah... I think clinton is awful... but seriously?

This screams desperation.


So I used an link affiliated with Alex Jones for an image of unhappy DNC delegates, and that makes the argument invalid? Do you think that image was staged?

Here. Is this better?


Where were these people at Hillary's coronation speech?

Do you think they suddenly changed their minds and started thumping their chests for Hillary?



Next link... Alex Jones?... yeah... I think clinton is awful... but seriously?


I watched the convention live on YouTube feeds and PBS news. The T.V. news version filtered out most of the chanting and used camera angles to omit the protest signs. In the later days of the convention the DNC made a sheet of chants designed to counter the protesters chants. It worked well. Just watch Leon Pennata's speech to hear the background chants from Sanders states(where there were no microphones) start and be drowned out be the Clinton states where the crowd mics were placed.

The walkout in @notarobot's video was real. Hundreds of Bernie supporters did walkout after the roll call. It was not on the same day as Clinton's speech. Some delegates planed another walkout during Clinton's speech but never went through with it. The Craigslist ads are likely fake.

Alex Jones is a lair. He puts out enough BS to distract from anything real. It is disgusting how he uses his website as 'sources now confirm' while his website is just quoting from his show. It's worse than the propaganda network PBS news has become.

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