Jörmungandr: Norse Leviathan Attacks

Jörmungandr: Norse Leviathan attacks cruise ship

I couldn't concentrate on that because I was wondering where all that water falling into the 'hole' was going. Maybe it was being pumped out somewhere by the creature's body, but why, and how would it get that much energy from a ship.

Also, ship horn signals were wrong. And what exploded so quickly? And how did the cruise ship maintain integrity?

<sigh> sometimes being a geek means missing the point.

newtboyjokingly says...

The water drained into Thor’s cup from his drinking contest with the giant Utgarda-Loki, this is how he beat Thor in their contest. Thor drank 3 times but couldn’t drain the cup, which was attached to the ocean, but he drank enough to create the tides!

*sometimes being a geek means having actual answers to rhetorical questions!


I couldn't concentrate on that because I was wondering where all that water falling into the 'hole' was going. Maybe it was being pumped out somewhere by the creature's body, but why, and how would it get that much energy from a ship.

Also, ship horn signals were wrong. And what exploded so quickly? And how did the cruise ship maintain integrity?

<sigh> sometimes being a geek means missing the point.


Very nice.

I do love answering rhetorical questions. It really is a great way of understanding a subject better.


The water drained into Thor’s cup from his drinking contest with the giant Utgarda-Loki, this is how he beat Thor in their contest. Thor drank 3 times but couldn’t drain the cup, which was attached to the ocean, but he drank enough to create the tides!

*sometimes being a geek means having actual answers to rhetorical questions!

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