Jews Who Oppose Israeli Violations of Human Rights

Jewish Voice for Peace is a diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights. We support the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination.

Jewish Voice for Peace is a diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights. We support the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination.
We seek:

A U.S. foreign policy based on promoting peace, democracy, human rights, and respect
for international law
An end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem
A resolution of the Palestinian refugee problem consistent with international law and equity
An end to all violence against civilians
Peace among the peoples of the Middle East
We are among the many American Jews who say to the U.S. and Israeli governments: "Not in our names!"

JVP supports peace activists in Palestine and Israel, and works in broad coalition with other Jewish, Arab-American, faith-based, peace and social justice organizations.


Jewish Voice for Peace calls for a U.S. foreign policy that promotes democracy and human rights. The United States must stop supporting repressive policies in Israel and elsewhere. U.S. military aid to countries in the Middle East must be based on rigorous enforcement of the Arms Export Control and Foreign Assistance Acts, which mandate that military aid may be used for only defensive purposes within the recipient country's borders, and that aid may not be delivered to countries that abuse human rights.

Under these guidelines, U.S. military aid to Israel must be suspended until the occupation ends, since the occupation itself is in violation of these guidelines. Military aid allows Israel to avoid making serious efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as conflicts with its other neighbors. It enables the occupation, contributes to the devastation of Palestinian society and fosters the increasing militarization of Israeli society.

JVP also calls for suspension of military aid to other human rights abusers and occupiers in the Middle East. This aid helps prop up autocratic and repressive regimes, promotes violations of human rights and international law, obstructs democratic movements, prolongs the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and fosters militarism and violence at home and abroad.


Israelis and Palestinians have the right to security, sovereignty, and self-determination within political entities of their own choosing.

Israel must end its occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, completely withdraw from these Occupied Territories and relinquish all its settlements, military outposts and by-pass roads.

Jerusalem has to be shared in a manner that reflects its spiritual, economic, and political importance to both Israelis and Palestinians, as well as to all Jews, Muslims and Christians.

The plight of Palestinian refugees needs to be resolved equitably and in a manner that promotes peace and is consistent with international law. Within the framework of an equitable agreement, the refugees should have a role in determining their future, whether pursuing return, resettlement, or financial compensation. Israel should recognize its share of responsibility for the ongoing refugee crisis and for its resolution.

The parties must equitably distribute water and other natural resources.

Diplomatic negotiations between the two parties must be held unconditionally. Countries other than the U.S. should be involved in peace negotiations. An international peacekeeping force should be established to protect all civilians.


All people of the Middle East deserve the right to democratic participation and equality within their societies, regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture, national origin, language, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or other status.

Israel must cease its use of military force against Palestinian civilians, including attacks involving American-supplied F-16s and Apache helicopters. Moreover, Israel must stop land seizures; destruction of homes, infrastructure, orchards and farms; arbitrary arrests and imprisonment; torture; assassinations; expulsions; curfews; travel restrictions; abuse at checkpoints; raids; collective punishment; and other violations of human rights.

Palestinians must stop suicide bombings and other attacks on Israeli civilians.

The international community must support Palestinian efforts to promote democracy and human rights, while understanding that this aim cannot be fully achieved under occupation.

Racism and bigotry cannot be tolerated, whether in the U.S. or abroad, whether against Arabs or against Jews.


"U.S. military aid to Israel must be suspended until the occupation ends"

They should consider having more realistic demands.

Gwaan, are you a part of this "We"?

I also noticed that there was no demand for palestinians to respect the human rights of other palestinians and stop killing suspected collaborators, abusing homosexuals, and honor killings. How can we expect them to treat Israelis with respect when they mistreat their own?


"All people of the Middle East deserve the right to democratic participation and equality within their societies, regardless of religion, ethnicity, culture, national origin, language, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, or other status." - that means and end to honor killings, abusing homosexuals and other human rights violations whether commited by Palestinians or Israelis.

"They should consider having more realistic demands." - these are realistic demands - and most people outside of America believe that one of the quickest ways to bring about peace between Israel and Palestine is to suspend military and other aid to Israel until the Israelis are prepared to negotiate and make concessions.

Also the Israelis have an equally appalling record against those who have 'collaborated' or spoken out - look at the way Mordechai Vanunu was treated ( and


LOLignoring the vidoe and everything let me just say hear that just about all religoins r stupid maby no tpiontless but stupid. the fact is i dont care if u r religoise ore not but u have to value all human life equally with no exseptoins. most religoins contain writen aspects that are to say if u belive this religoin u r better than others ect if thay dident why wud u folow anny one religoin over another aside from been indoctrinated and not knowing anny better. why r people so stupid. peoples motivatoins for doing bad are far complex enoughf without religouse retardatoin thrown in i wish people wud go oh yah lets not be religouse and lets just decide to help people becuse that wud actually be better than folowing some docterin with asosseated dogma atached to it. blody hell im gona cut my penis off


"Vanunu survived the ordeal didn't he?" - he spent 18 years in prison, including more than 11 years served in solitary confinement - a fate worse than death?

"No offense, the occasional interesting video is great... But let's not turn VS into some Palestine/Israel street fight." - Agreed - just wanted to have at least one clip which showed that this isn't a Muslim/Arab against Jew thing, or a Palestine against Israel thing, but a peace thing.


Why is it 'not realistic' to suspend funds to Israel? Funds to Palestine are suspended all the time. There is an enormous double-standard with regards to the provision and suspension of US aid. The US government suspends funds to Palestine so that they will stop attacks and recognise Israel, but it will never suspend funds to Israel so that they will stop attacks and recognise Palestine.

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