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Interview with a serial killer


People in television sometimes really piss me off with their base misunderstanding of criminal psychology.

Conducting interviews in jail with criminals with no hope of release is a tenacious task, they will commonly simply make up or exaggerate tales to garner more attention from the people covering them (what else do they have to do in jail?). It builds their own ego and feelings of empowerment that they did something that brings forth such attention.

This is simply feeding into his own needs.


That's an interesting point, and yet this man has been analyzed before. When you're accused of killing over 100 people, there really isn't much need to make anything up. I don't know everything about his murders, but it would be odd if he discussed killing someone who didn't actually die, or never existed. Take for instance in part two, where he talks about hanging a man with some rope. They display pictures of the newspaper which covered the man's death.


i remember watching this years ago. he attitude was simply remorseless except that he choked up when he recalled how his family reacted when they finally found out about the true nature of his job.


I dunno, tremormilo. in a lot of ways he killed at random. there have been many serial killers who have killed at random. take the DC snipers, for instance, or the zodiac killer.


I'm with old_spider. Sure, he was a bad guy, but any interview that plays that ominous, monotone music in the background is definitely trying to play on shock and fear. I'm not so sure, as Farhad mentioned, the interviewer simply misunderstands criminal psychology. I think he's just trying to extract the most shocking and "best stuff" for air.


Whatever... When is Hollywood coming up with the movie about this guy's life? I remember when I first saw this interview, thinking to myself that someone should turn it into a movie. Not give him any money of course... (even because he's dead already), but with a good actor, it could be a cool movie.


you couldnt give him money either way, cuz its illegal in the U.S. to profit off your crimes

so theres a lot of complaints on how this interview was conductedj. how do you guys think it could have been better?


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