Inglorious Basterds - Film Clapper Awesomeness

"She’s been working with Tarantino over the course of several films and has her own style — which as you’ll see, tends to either shock or compel the actors, or both. After the second viewing, we think there is a method to her madness, even if you think that shouting “Dario Argento” or “Scene 34 Blowjob!” at actors seems random." []

I was about to point out that they spelled the title wrong on the clapper when I realized I've been spelling it wrong.

I know it's supposed to be spelled wrong but I mean I've been misspelling it wrong, and it's misspelled wrong in the title and tags here.


>> ^xxovercastxx:
I was about to point out that they spelled the title wrong on the clapper when I realized I've been spelling it wrong.
I know it's supposed to be spelled wrong but I mean I've been misspelling it wrong, and it's misspelled wrong in the title and tags here.

You mean you've been spelling it right, or even MORE wrong?


Tags for this video have been changed from 'inglorious basterds, quinton tarantino, clapper' to 'inglorious basterds, quentin tarantino, clapper, geraldine brezca' - edited by maatc


I've been spelling it the same way it's spelled in the title and tags of this video, missing the U before the R in "Inglourious".
>> ^Payback:
>> ^xxovercastxx:
I was about to point out that they spelled the title wrong on the clapper when I realized I've been spelling it wrong.
I know it's supposed to be spelled wrong but I mean I've been misspelling it wrong, and it's misspelled wrong in the title and tags here.

You mean you've been spelling it right, or even MORE wrong?

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