IRS Commissioner Evades THE Question

What U.S. law requires Americans to pay income taxes? Watch IRS Commissioner Everson evade a direct question from the New York Times tax reporter.

Ask Wesley Snipes if paying taxes isn't required...or any of the many thousands of folks convicted of tax evasion. Frankly, the claim they make has as much validity as claims that the moon landing was a hoax, or that the world is flat.


Watch Arron Ruso's "Freedom to Fascism". He goes into this subject in depth. This clip looks like a excerpt from that film. This is not a scam, it's real and THAT'S why they avoid directly answering the question. Because there is NO law.


Looks like T-man broke the line of stupidity, Im sure that when these taxes were created they had a provision (Law) that requires you pay them or face penalties. T-Man has the link.

Know that the Income tax is a pain in the ass, that is another thing, much like separate car registrations and county parking permits. Just pay your taxes, becuase you have more strength behind your word when you pay as to when you dont.


I'd say tricked into paying taxes goes a bit far. This makes me think of the whole social contract thing. We want a governing body to be able to do certain things, and we agree to give up some freedoms in order for it to work whether it's explicitly codified or implicitly acknowledged. We basically agree to follow rules to keep some sort of social order that generally works out to the benefit of everyone (hopefully).

There are many points of contention with taxes, some I agree with and some I don't. My point of view is that taxes are OK so that we can all enjoy the services we want/need from government.

Now let me try an analogy that probably won't make sense and get me flamed Taxes are like a limit on freedom (freedom to keep all your $). Kind of like murder laws are limits on our freedom to kill as we please. Generally we see murder laws codified, but do they need to be? Would all these no-tax-law people go around murdering people just becasue there's no explicit law? And when they got in trouble just say there's no law against it so they can't be punished?

I'm going to let this comment sit for a bit, see what anyone might have to say, and look at it again to see if any of this even makes sense. Who knows, I may feel differently if I go and look over my tax return again.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'IRS, income, tax, fraud, 16th, Amendment, Everson, Banister, Cryer' to 'IRS, income tax, fraud, 16th Amendment, Everson, Banister, Cryer' - edited by lucky760


Like anyone else, I'd like to believe these claims, but they make no explanations for why things like the following do not require Americans to pay income taxes:

  • Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution
    "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises"

  • The Sixteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution
    "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived"

  • The Internal Revenue Code
    (published as Title 26 of the United States Code (USC), linked ^above by T-man) which is law codified by Congress
If there are reasons these things should be discounted, I'd be interested to hear them. Or perhaps the only copy of the explanations was stored in WTC 7, which is why the government intentionally set up 9/11?

(Just a playful jab at conspiracy theorists. )


What does it matter? So these people don't have to pay taxes? Fine, then they can't use the roads I helped pay for, and they shouldn't be protected by the police officers I help pay for. (This is when the rest of the taxpayers come after them...)

I'd rather fight the real fight; how politicians squander our money on jet service, vacations, raises for themselves, etc. This "Where is the tax law?" argument is an exercise in futility.

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