"I Object!" - Featuring Robot: Tom Price


Where the hell is the Sergeant at Arms to remove someone who is being blatantly disruptive? Drag his ass out of there kicking and screaming and bar him from the building for the rest of the session.

If these assholes aren't going to grow the fuck and a behave themselves then they should lose their right to participate. It's not fair to their constituency but that's what they get for electing fuckwads to represent them.


I swear, the democrats are the biggest pussies on the face of the earth. Just a few years ago, when the republicans ran congress, they ran roughshod over the dems. They were discussing the so-called nuclear option, to completely eliminate the filibuster by some oblique parliamentary procedure. And they didn't even have 60 votes!

In congress, the dems were fucked in the ass using every piddly rule available, yet, now, when these idiots control the house and senate, they cannot even refuse to control the floor. It is disgusting!

If Delay was running things, you bet the Sargeant at Arms would have dragged out a dem by the hair for the smallest infraction or disrespect.


Yes, but when the Democrats did it, it was due to a war that the republicans couldnt justify beyond fear. Maybe Longde could point out to us all here at the Sift, the location(s) of all the nuclear WMD's we were suppose to have found in Iraq? You know, the #1 reason why we invaded that country?

This guy, just wishs to be obnoxious, unruly, disrespectful, and unconsiderate of others. Yes, saying 'I object' was heard. To keep doing it, while someone is talking is just rude. Its behavior that is allowed on conservative talk radio and Fox News. This idiot doesn't have enough brain cells to know, he's in a place that's neither Fox News, nor a conservative talk radio. In fact, he's a waste of oxygen.

The longer version, is simply republicans using the same tactic, to disrupt the flow of things. In fact, as one of the democrats put it, she was being censored. Where was the Sergeant of Arms on this? Frankly, in the old days, the Sergeant of Arms would have removed the fellow with a club to the head.

But hey, the health care bill they were deciding on here....pass. So Obama: 1 Republicans: 0


I can't believe somebody would use this as a chance to rag on the Democrats. Their use or non-use of the Sergeant of Arms is irrelevant: the Republican arsehole shouldn't have been so fucking rude, and that's not the Dems' fault, is it? Sheesh.


^ The real person to blame was the Speaker who was unable to properly control his session, so I'll happily call him a pussy.

But when you get right down to it, generally speaking the vast majority of the Dems we have in office are pussies, for lack of a better word. They had a super majority, controlled both the House and the Senate with filibuster proof majorities, they could have ramrodded through ANY bill they wanted if they had just been willing to nut up say "damn the torpedoes!" and not worry about upsetting their corporate overlords. We could have had a fully funded, completely universal, national healthcare service the day after Al Franken was sworn in, if they only had the courage to do what is best for the citizens, not what's least damaging to mega-corporations.

Yeah they passed a healthcare reform bill, that has been picked apart left and right, in order to needlessly "compromise" with conservatives. Whether this bill will provide any real relief for the citizens of this country, will be for time to tell.

I personally have my doubts.

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