How to beat traffic cams with a set of IR LEDs

I'll add this to my radar detector/Trapster iphone app combo. Now if I could only get my Jeep running faster than 110 mph.

Step 1: get a piece of cardboard
Step 2: use magnets to affix to license with magnets.

Lawl.. nothing suspicious with the lamps sticking to your license plate.
Also traffic cams take stills. The odds of getting a frame in between blinks is very high.


This guy sounds like a bad KipKay clone (who in my book is quasi-useful to begin with). He seemed to fail to realize there are differences in voltages, current ratings and intensities for IR leds. Even with a good set of batteries (not to mention having to remember to turn these off/on every time you drive) you will be changing batteries once a week. Who's to say they don't (or wont) put IR filters on these cameras anyways?

This would get you pulled over in Florida regardless as you are not allowed to have borders or anything blocking/attached to your license plate here.

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