How the World's Strongest Tire is made.

The "World's Strongest Tire" weighs in excess of 15 tonnes, has 48 plys, and costs a cool $175 000 EACH!

I have the Solution to the Problem!

Ok, we're getting this coal for what? To make electricity, "welcome to electric avenue!" so....

When production costs of one GD tire are this high,,, why not just put all of that money into producing mirrored - heat tower power plants!

Duh dunuh naaah!

The tire makers can get jobs cleaning mirrors at night, or assembly/repair. About the same fun/skill level as they were working at before.

Oh wait, I forgot about capitalism...


The construction process is very interesting.

And I like how they hype everything up needlessly.

America's (sorry, "WORLD'S")strongest tyre, strongest digger type thing and BIGGEST hauler and most amount of soil anywhere!

The critical part of the operation: the elite team of tyre builders carefully check every square inch. Should they see any moulding imperfection, they swiftly address it [with what looks like a little scraper thing to me...]


My god I wish the states would go metric, all this guff over how many pounds are in a tonne... urgh, and using Fahrenheit. Why can't 'scientific' shows on Discovery lead the way and start showing mainstream America that scientists actually use metric these days. Madness.

And also, the ridiculous comparisons... yeah, because knowing how far I can blast a 200 pound man really lets me visualize the tire energy better.

Still, quite fascinating.


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