How It's Made- Pressure Gauges


Tags for this video have been changed from 'pressure, pressure guage, how its made, glycerine, case, assembly' to 'pressure, pressure gauge, how its made, glycerine, case, assembly' - edited by bareboards2


>> ^bareboards2:

Hard to believe that things like this were once made by hand.
And that glycerine thing? I had no idea.
I love learning new things. Thanks, VS.

Yup, just fascinating how something we all take for granted and don't think much about is actually a very complex mechanism...


>> ^bareboards2:

Hard to believe that things like this were once made by hand.
And that glycerine thing? I had no idea.
I love learning new things. Thanks, VS.

I had always wondered what the liquid was, I had thought I heard some wheres that the liquid was mineral oil. How long does yogurt last out side the fridge, I have this yogurt cup that's been out of the fridge for 24 hours and I kind of wanna eat it.

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