Homer Simpsons spoofs Ali G intro


OMFG - that was incredibly fast - and a stupendously hilarious clip!

Oh... it was a promo in advance of tonight's episode, now I see how it got posted so quickly.

I call top 15 on this one!


The thing is, I love the Simpsons...but has anyone else noticed that this season is just plain lame? I mean, this sequence here went on WAY too long and just was totally un-simpsons like really. Yeah, it's a spoof on Ali G, but how many people will get that?

How about two weeks ago with Homer joining the military? With the little model helicopter following him around the house? Anyone find that even remotely funny? I sure didn't. They really need to fire the writing staff and hire new TALENTED blood.


I totally agree with Goofball_Jones, apart from this skit and the fact that they played "Money or Nothing" by the Dire Straits in a segment I thought this episode was terrible. Each show so far in the season has just been doing that, setting new lows.


We'll have to agree to disagree because I found this - and the 'predator drone' skit (hello?!? Looney Tunes homage!!!) - absolutely hilarious.

I didn't even realize it was the Ali G intro and found it hilarious; when I found out the deeper meaning (so to speak) I had even more belly laughs

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