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Heritage Foundation: "How Modern Liberals Think"

All that's required to usher in liberals' Utopian vision is the rejection of all fact, reason, evidence, logic, truth, morality and decency.


LOL!! Please put this in the Truthiness Collective..

Excerpt from above:

The modern liberal will invariably side with evil over good, wrong over right, and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success. Give the modern liberal the choice between Saddam Hussein and the United States, he will not only side with Saddam Hussein, he will slander America and Americans in order to do so. Given the choice between the vicious, mass-murdering, corrupt terrorist dictator Yasser Arafat, and the tiny and wonderful democracy of Israel, he will plagiarize maps, forge documents, engage in blood libels, as did our former President, Jimmy Carter, to side with a terrorist organization, and to attack the tiny state.
First of all Saddam is about American as any foreign ruler gets. Trained, supported, funded, armed, put into power by.... ???

Secondly, Israel is "tiny and wonderful". You know everything has two sides of a story. I'm sure a few Palestinians have a different view on Israel and their human rights abuses, but hey, they must be sub-human so they don't count. They are not one our side, so children in Iraq or Gaza really don't matter. Helpless Iraqi children living in depleted uranium soil and millions of rounds containing lead and other heavy metals, but who really cares, cause you are "helping" them and their country, right? You know what is best. To not continue helping them would be "bad".

Truth, beauty, honesty... that's his principals. So the Heritage Folks are pro-war, pro-unitary executive. They are pro-torture. They believe in Bush's policies.


Please tell me which of these fall into which category (good or evil) and then ask yourself if this is a 'liberal' ideal or conservative ideal (At least the modern conservative that approves of Bush's reaches of power).

- [torture (MCA)] or [Geneva Convention]
- [domestic spying] or [FISA and following existing laws]
- [secret military tribunals] or [habeas corpus]
- [unjustified war for oil] or [balanced budget, money for education, health care, economy, or tax cuts]

Ask yourself WHO IS THE ONE THAT IS INDOCTRINATED? Someone that is a critical thinker and believes (based on facts and evidence) that the US invaded Iraq primarily in the name of oil or at least indefinite control of the region to ensure future access to oil. Or someone that believes anything about "bringing democracy to Iraqis". Who is the one eliminating rational thought?

Is Democracy worth bringing to people if they have to live as refuges, kicked out of their ancestral homes, living with 1 hour of electricity, no water, and constant killings and bombings in their formerly peaceful village. What did we bring to Iraqis? Can you honestly really believe it is all their fault? Are the Iraqis so sub-human in your mind that you cannot imagine all humans are pretty close to similar and their lives or probably of equal value.

Sayer: There is no standard to them, because a standard would require them to say that something is better than something else, which goes against this entire philosophy.
I'm sorry that you need to believe that you are better than others. That your ideas are superior and need to be imposed on other by gov't. That your religion is the correct one. That your nation is always correct and proper and the good guys. And everything is us vs. them. And you "know" which is better and right. You are correct that I'm not as naive and such a small thinker as you are. This guy really is your ideological hero.


" For in that perfect moment when you vote this down, you will feel the truth like a diamond bullet between your eyes."

You're going to have to pull your head out of your ass someday.

The modern liberal is not supporting that war criminal George W. Bush and all of the crimes against Iraq, humanity, and the people of our country, the USA - but I know of an other group of "true believers" who are.

This is just another example of right-wing nutjobs equating their political opponents, liberals, with treason - and that little schtick wore thin a long, long, long time ago.


I think it's funny that Obama google ads are all over this video. At any rate, why would people downvote this? It is at least engaging and even a top video on YT. I think people should see this for the same reason I listen to Rush the Druggie quite often.


And of course he's wrong, we're all just stupid and evil.

But seriously, i watched the whole thing and mostly was just plain disappointed by the shallowness and simplistic-ness (if that's a word) of his intellectual positions and arguments. I mean, he wouldn't last even 5 minutes against a junior high debate team. In contrast, i used to love to listen to William F. Buckley even though i didn't agree with him, because he made intellectually challenging and compelling arguments.


As soon as he said "they hate america" i knew he was going to be nothing more than a regular run of the mill loud mouth right winger. Theres no reasoning with people like that if all they are going to do is accuse people of hating america.

The sycophantic laughing of that lone woman in this video made me want to vomit. This is what the right do. They sit in a room with people who will agree with them, They tell lies and then bask in the self gratulating nods of the people around them.

the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.
A Nazi said that, And now the right wing is using it. Quite fitting.


Wtf its not about libral ore conservative its about taking an action bassed on evidence.

it has been proven that the conservatives in pawner have repeatedly lied to the public and not done things legally so anny ratoianl person would conclude that it would be better to try a liberal way of approaching things. as for liberal mentality always been wrong what about the frinch and the many people and countries that apossed the war on iraque witch is probably one of the biggest governmental cockups of my life time.

the people that dont like all of usa and have a negative view on it are people who are aware of usa forghen policy. this guy would probably get on with orily.


I'll upvote it, too.

The problem with wingnuts is that when they talk about "America" they're only talking about the part of America that they agree with. Everyone else is considered either insignificant, or a traitor.

Somebody should add the tags "right-wing" and "exposed".


Bill Maher, Rosie O'Donnell, Keith Olberman, yeah they all seem to really love America. So much they can't wait to leave... But oh wait they haven't. Gee why is it that some who hate this country so much don't want to leave it? Liberals want to save the world, but with what? Basic difference I see is this Liberals are idealists who think that without conservatives everyone would love us. Conservatives are realists who strive for an ideal and realize that toes will be stepped on to achieve that.

I'd like to be realistic about life. You can't make everyone happy. But you can give everyone the opportunity.


Instead of using the terms Liberal and Conservative, lets try Open and close-minded. Liberalism, is as it's essential definition implies, is open to change. Consider the following, who would have us still believing the flat earth theory? Open minded progressives or close-minded arrogant fools? Is it better to drive with your hands covering your eyes or with your eyes wide open to the possibility the road will curve? Growth invariably, universally, and without doubt involves change.

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