Grilling Food on my Laptop....big mistake.

"Using my laptop as a barbecue grill, not the best idea..."

When I still worked for Apple, I had a safety issue escalated to engineering over a Macbook Pro. The battery had apparently ruptured and began jetting flames out of the keyboard area. The owner tried to douse it with a cheapo fire extinguisher, one of the powder ones you can get from discount stores, but it only briefly went out.

Since it was still smoking, he was going to carry it outside but, as he opened the front door, the flames started coming back. He tossed it out onto the lawn, where it burnt a big chunk of grass.

I wish I had thought to keep the pictures; it had burnt his desk and destroyed his lawn. Apple legal went out and the guy later let me know via email that they had recompensed him for his desk, replaced the notebook, and paid to have his lawn re-turfed.

It wasn't funny at the time, but this video reminded me of it and now it is kind of hilarious. Still not as good as the kid who figured out how to game Apple's escalation system to get free stuff, but pretty damn funny.


That's nuts. Is this the recalled battery model that Apple recalled?


When I still worked for Apple, I had a safety issue escalated to engineering over a Macbook Pro. The battery had apparently ruptured and began jetting flames out of the keyboard area. The owner tried to douse it with a cheapo fire extinguisher, one of the powder ones you can get from discount stores, but it only briefly went out.

Since it was still smoking, he was going to carry it outside but, as he opened the front door, the flames started coming back. He tossed it out onto the lawn, where it burnt a big chunk of grass.

I wish I had thought to keep the pictures; it had burnt his desk and destroyed his lawn. Apple legal went out and the guy later let me know via email that they had recompensed him for his desk, replaced the notebook, and paid to have his lawn re-turfed.

It wasn't funny at the time, but this video reminded me of it and now it is kind of hilarious. Still not as good as the kid who figured out how to game Apple's escalation system to get free stuff, but pretty damn funny.


One of them, yes. I think we had 2 or 3 battery recalls for the macbooks and one hell of a recall for the macbooks with nvidia graphics. The graphics one was horrendous; I didn't have to deal with the support calls once we nailed it down and they stopped escalating them to tier 3, but god the call volume was out of this world for the tier 1 folks.

People don't realize it, but I can tell you that for the years I worked there (from 2005 to 2011), we used to joke that we should change the catchphrase to "It just doesn't work." Of course, a lot of the problems were because end users were trying to use products in a way they weren't meant to be used.


That's nuts. Is this the recalled battery model that Apple recalled?


I think my work's 15" MBP (Retina; early 2013) has that NVIDIA crash problem (e.g., a Kernel panic from last year but never saw them again], display freezes [think I can get out of it if I put it to sleep and wake it up, but need to retry it for the next crash to confirm], but it is SO rare that it crashes.


One of them, yes. I think we had 2 or 3 battery recalls for the macbooks and one hell of a recall for the macbooks with nvidia graphics. The graphics one was horrendous; I didn't have to deal with the support calls once we nailed it down and they stopped escalating them to tier 3, but god the call volume was out of this world for the tier 1 folks.

People don't realize it, but I can tell you that for the years I worked there (from 2005 to 2011), we used to joke that we should change the catchphrase to "It just doesn't work." Of course, a lot of the problems were because end users were trying to use products in a way they weren't meant to be used.


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