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Great Song by Gunther -


NSFW rating please! Nudity, Groping, Lesbian Touching... You're really pushing the VS limits on this one! (But I like the song and video which is why I haven't pulled it)


I wasn't trying to push limits or anything. I thought the very beginning with this scary guy standing up in the buff was a little much, but didn't think too graphically over the line. The main thing I wanted to share was the song, but that freaky-deaky guy was an added bonus I discovered when I first found the video (I first heard it on the radio). That's cool though. I've reposted the song reincarnated as a funny lipsync:

The reason the title was lopped off is that the quotes were not converted to " (with htmlentities) so the html for such a title would look like title="Gunther - "My Ding Ding Dong"" causing the second " to end the string in the eyes of the user agent. Easily fixed.

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