Girl Has Crystals Coming Out of Her Eyes

A young girl from Lebanon is producing crystals from her eyes.. Unexplained 'medical wonder.' More like an unexplained reason of why you would fake something like this?;col1

Yeah it's more likely that than anything else, especially since there wasn't too much info on it. But still, even if it is the fact that you would fake that is a little hilarious. >.>

>> ^laura:
this has GOT to be fake.


I thought the same. Would be pretty awesome to cry diamonds, would be hardcore!

>> ^Majortomyorke:
Too bad they weren't diamonds, perhaps her devine benefactor should have had the insight to allow her to produce something a bit more valuable from her eyes.


*nochannel *wtf *worldaffairs *femme *mystery *dark

Not science, and obscure is for music and arts.

This is bull, do it in a controlled environment over a month and there would be quite different results.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'wtf, natural wonder, crystals, Lesbanon, unexplained' to 'wtf, natural wonder, crystals, Lebanon, unexplained' - edited by kronosposeidon

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