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demon_ixsays...Galactic Warfare 2 isn't balanced for Jedi.
dystopianfuturetodaysays...When is George Lucas going to wise up and hire Valve or Infinity Ward or Bungie to make a decent Star Wars fragfest?
GeeSussFreeKsays...>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
When is George Lucas going to wise up and hire Valve or Infinity Ward or Bungie to make a decent Star Wars fragfest?
I think it is because the shoe is on the other foot. Valve would have to want to make it first and they would want to sponsor it second. They both (valve and CO) have their hands full with making their own franchises successful. Usually resorting to adapting your game idea to someones franchise is either an effort to popularize your smaller developing house or a publisher pushing something onto a developer to promote some other synergy with their universe or general wanting of licensing money
Croccydilesays...Hey wait, there is something wrong here... the stormtroopers can actually aim!
potchi79says...Can one of the unlockable perks be jedi mind trick?
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