FutureCar: The Skateboard

"Promo: What if the next car you buy will be the only car you ever have to buy again? What if you could have every model, every new improvement added to the car you own in a blink of an eye? What if you could sit where ever you wanted when you drove? What if you didn't need a steering wheel? But could navigate using a joystick or a mouse. And what if you never burned a single drop of gas wherever you went, because your car had no engine."

Haha, hydrogen fuel cells. It takes more oil to make hydrogen fuel cells than would normally be used by the average car to just drive, not to mention the incredible added cost of a hydrogen-based fuel system in your car, not to mention the incredible inconvenience of the complete non-existence of hydrogen refueling stations.


YO ! Nibiyabi, That is why you wouldn't create the fuel cells by burning oil, Iceland is going to wholesale them to the world, they have a shitload of geothermal energy.

But you are right about the startup costs,


This video is full of bad ideas.

First and foremost, we still don't have a viable way to mass produce hydrogen aside from burning fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels to make hydrogen to then make electricity is far less efficient than just burning the fossil fuels in the car, so we'd be burning more fossil fuels than we do now. All this talk about electric and hydrogen is posturing. Companies are fishing for exaltation by removing the pollution from the public eye instead of actually decreasing it.

Widespread hydrogen-powered vehicle adoption would be accompanied by a large increase in air pollution. It would just be coming from the hydrogen plants instead of the cars. When we have a clean, efficient way to produce hydrogen, I'll be all for it. In the meantime, it's nonsense.

Then there's the guy who designed the vehicle with the seats at odd angles. He would appear to be a design/visual arts student because those seats are going to be a disaster for the necks of the passengers in an accident. Hopefully he takes some engineering courses before they let him near a real car.


xxovercastxx your right about the seats and the necks and the mass death.

What I dont get is you peoples lack of faith in solar and wind power, I hope both of you realize it is perfect ally viable to create hydrogen fuel cells from natural energy sources, our governments just havent put any effort into developing alternative energies because of OIL. Solar, wind, geothermal, wave and tidal are all viable if we do them right, and as a plus if we start no we might have enough oil to manufacture their structures with ease, not the case in the future.


Every current method of mass-producing hydrogen that I'm aware of is either inadequate or raises pollution levels and is inadequate. I don't claim that hydrogen will never be viable, but there are viable solutions that work now that would decrease pollution and greatly reduce oil consumption. I don't see why we should start building a hydrogen infrastructure before we're even capable of using it.

As I said, show me a clean, viable hydrogen source and I'm all over it. In the meantime, these companies need to be exposed for the false prophets they are. "Hydrogen" is their marketing buzzword. They've got nothing feasible; they're just trying to make a quick buck.

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