Future Serial Killlers Of America

Does this kid's mother know what he is doing??? Probly' on to many anti-depressants to care.....Billy got a job with the geek squad, he really likes his Volkswagen...he calls her Lilith-
Billy, you're pasty, perhaps you should drop the Hot Pocket and play outdoors for a change.......The shining future of civilization-insect breeding 101

....so, is your mom pleased as punch to have you destroying virtual humans by the truckload, or are there Cheetos® crumbs and sputum covering your screen in the dank hole filled with detritus you call a bedroom........?


Haha, I used to play Rollercoaster Tycoon, and I always loved speeding up the rides till they derailed.... good, clean fun. I also liked to drown my employees, instead of firing them, or people who didn't have any money left.


sorry slimepuppy, never heard of him till you mentioned it, but iman neither a conservative Christian or a crusader for a cause....am a strong advocate of pasty white kids, getting out doors more, eating healhty foods, and positive interaction with piers.....I have played with this game m'self, can appreciate creativity in its many manifestations, but find it fucking boring, conducive, like most repetitive endeavors, to carpal tunnel brain, time-wasting, and withdrawal from healthy, productive, and meaningful mentations.....garbage in,etc etc......and so it grows........

would rather copulate, build things with my hands, cultivate veggies, raise animals, or party naked.....all of which've become quite efficient in....carry on, oh ye labelers and categorizers.......the world could not function without slugs and insects either, which is why one does not despise what one must share the planet with, or salt and burn them anymore...


If you're counting yourself among "one", then I don't understand the verbal battery. Clarifying oneself is one thing, but your words seem more a purge. It's a virtue to practice held wisdom... and chips do lie where they fall, even on the shoulders of saints.

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