Futurama explains Religion


>> ^Fusionaut:

The same thing applies to military

It may apply to the military, but they are open about it. The military is openly a tool to be used for specific purpose, whereas religion is purported to be the truth about the universe while secretly a tool to be used for whatever purpose the leaders desire. A soldier goes into the military completely aware that he or she is volunteering to carry out another person's will. A religious person goes into a church believing that they are empowering themselves while in actuality giving away their power.


I don't agree with you completely. I think that people join a religion knowing that they are giving up their power and that is why it is so appealing. If one wants to know if something is wrong or right all he/she needs to do is look in a book instead of thinking for him/herself. Thinking up one's own thoughts can be very tiring!>> ^MaxWilder:

>> ^Fusionaut:
The same thing applies to military

It may apply to the military, but they are open about it. The military is openly a tool to be used for specific purpose, whereas religion is purported to be the truth about the universe while secretly a tool to be used for whatever purpose the leaders desire. A soldier goes into the military completely aware that he or she is volunteering to carry out another person's will. A religious person goes into a church believing that they are empowering themselves while in actuality giving away their power.

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