Futurama: A Crowded Field of Candidates

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Another preview clip of Futurama from the US from the episode "Decision 3012".

If the day ever comes when I pay the top US tax rate I'm throwing a huge party for the check signing. Everyone's invited.

No one succeeds based on their own personal effort. Every individual success requires the combined efforts of a healthy, educated, functioning community. Those who benefit the most owe the most to their community.


To be fair yet unpoetic, there's at least one tycoon i can think of and probably a lot more that came from broken homes, families, communities, etc. Alan Sugar for example.

But either way, they have been given protection by the country, permission to go wherever they like within that country, safety from strangers, and countless other things during their entire life. The cars they bought and the fuel they put in them were all a part of the system run by the country. You pay your due. Besides all else it's just good business sense. The richer the country is, the better off everyone is; business improves. No one's buying anything now we're in a recession, and that's cos certain people got too obsessed with giving less back. And that goes not just for paying tax, but little things like when the government raises a duty on something, companies make the consumer pay for it. Despite posting billions and billions of profit, the price of the product absolutely HAS to go up 5p to pay for the increase on duty. Or if there's a shortage - price goes up, never comes down yet presumably the shortage doesn't last forever.

I'm not being naive; i know that's how the world works, but if nations and huge corporations and banks can't work together, help each other out and share the benefits (let alone obey the law) then how on earth can they expect average people to do the same in society?

Props to futurama for provoking thoughts though, eh?


>> ^TheFreak:

If the day ever comes when I pay the top US tax rate I'm throwing a huge party for the check signing. Everyone's invited.
No one succeeds based on their own personal effort. Every individual success requires the combined efforts of a healthy, educated, functioning community. Those who benefit the most owe the most to their community.

Sounds nice, except for the corporate overlords raping the coffers and spending your top tax rate on generally evil things while escaping their own liability.


For those who think giving back to society is as simple as paying taxes: don't forget there's a huge trillion dollar devouring monster that will waste most of that money and hand over the rest of it to its politically connected friends.

Want to give back to society? Provide a service or product, preferably on a large scale, do it profitably and feed that monster as little as you legally can.

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