Framed - Short Film Shot With the iPhone 4S!

Holy crap this looks REALLY good for a phone!
from vimeo:

Story : A photographer walks around the woods to take some pictures, when something unexpected happens.

Entirely shot on iPhone 4S.
Editing : Final Cut Pro 7
Grading : Magic Bullet Looks

Photography: Thomas Buthod
Music by Jonathan Helme - Niorgen
Actor: Franck Descombes

This was really awesome and beautiful. The technology will eventually make it so everyone can make movies and all that will separate us is style and substance of the art, which is awesome. I would like to see ALL the things they used to make this though...seemed like the iPhone was on a track at some point, it wasn't just held unless the person holding it was a world class sniper.


The tech that allows 'normal' people to make stuff like this has been around for a long time, although the software isn't cheap. What you're seeing is a skilled director with a good vision and a good editor and so on. Just having the gear doesn't make you a good videographer. HOwever, it's good to know that it's getting more accessible and I really want to give this a try.

As for ti being on a track, just gaffer tape it to a dumb-bell. You'll be amazed how steady the image is then.

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