Fox News' Jarring 180 on Shirley Sherrod Coverage

I guess it falls to her to do this, since Stewart & Colbert are on vacation.


Andrew Breitbart posted the video on his site Monday at 8:18 a.m. By mid-afternoon Shirely Sherrod had been fired. Fox News didn’t report the story until later that evening. Who’s to blame for her firing? Fox News? Breitbart? That is absurd.

By mid afternoon of the same day, Ms. Sherrod’s boss, Cheryl Cook, called her and fired her because “you’re going to be on Glenn Beck tonight”. In fact, she did not appear on Beck that night. He made no mention of her whatsoever. She did appear on Beck the following night though, and he was DEFENDING her. The first mention of the Shirley Sherrod tape on Fox News was on Bill O’Reilly’s show which aired at 8 p.m. That’s almost five hours AFTER Sherrod was fired.

>> ^Ryjkyj:

Jesus Christ. Really? It's no wonder people buy this shit. They're relentless.
ohhh... and shameless.

I guess you bought it hook line and sinker


Oh, really? Because the clip they show on here has Bill O saying, "Ms. Sherrod must resign immediately."

So you're telling me that five hours after she resigned, Billy called for her resignation? I guess that would make sense considering the mental caliber of the network and it's audience.

Anyway, the point isn't who was out for blood. The point is, who's a gigantic hypocrite and can't admit it. Well, we have an apology from the administration, so who could be the giant hypocrite here... hmmmm...

Wait a second, you didn't even watch this video did you?


Compared to the nonstop liberal bolshevik crap about every other Tea Partier being a klan member, this barely rates mentioning.

Or maybe the left's just pizzled someone's bitin' their moves by taking a video clip completely out of context.


Ya know...I don't blame Fox News in the least about this. They are reactionary, sensationalist, and they have a pretty clearly defined agenda. The people that should be blamed are the ones that pulled the trigger. The ones who had the power to act...acted without knowing the story, didn't even bother to try and go to bat for an employee, didn't call her and ask her and didn't file their own story, perhaps giving the exclusive to CNN or MSNBC making Fox news look completely stupid.

Someone had the power here, it wasn't Fox news, the only problem I see here is that people seem to believe Fox News has the power. They don't try to challenge that power, they don't question it, they don't protect their employees. This is absolutely pathetic and it falls right in the laps of those we voted for, who work in our government. We could all point at Fox news cause that's easy...Or we could do the right thing and not listen and not react to them without using our brains first.

This is sort of like a few people coming to your door with a captive, handing you a gun and telling you, "This man is a criminal and he has committed a horrible crime which is punishable by death...shoot him." Who among us would simply turn and fire?

Don't Fire...Think!


>> ^quantumushroom:

Compared to the nonstop liberal bolshevik crap about every other Tea Partier being a klan member, this barely rates mentioning.
Or maybe the left's just pizzled someone's bitin' their moves by taking a video clip completely out of context.

I will go to bat for you when you make a post something better. You always post in prejudged tangents that don't venture anything interesting. I've never seen you challenge your ideas or try to defend them with facts or rational thought. You know the answer going in, and that's just cheap.

Think...and you will be more respected for it.

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