Fox Criticizes Obama For Speaking To The Children


The fact that Bush Sr. did this back in 1991 and nobody gave a shit shows that it is totally an over-reaction.

The fact that people just object to him speaking shows that there isn't anything he can say to win over the insane right. Frankly, I feel that Obama has done more than ANY president to try to bridge the gap between the parties.


Obama is only telling them to stay in school so we have more skilled workers for the collective. He pretends that the speech isn't political, but I guarantee he'll try to slip in some of his socialism propaganda like "teamwork" and "sharing".

... and don't get me started about those liberal activist teachers. They're destroying this country with their "writing skills" and "science". Why do they get such an easy job and yet get paid so much more than everyone else?


>> ^Psychologic:
Obama is only telling them to stay in school so we have more skilled workers for the collective. He pretends that the speech isn't political, but I guarantee he'll try to slip in some of his socialism propaganda like "teamwork" and "sharing".
... and don't get me started about those liberal activist teachers. They're destroying this country with their "writing skills" and "science". Why do they get such an easy job and yet get paid so much more than everyone else?

Seriously, they don't even teach about Raptor Riding Jesus in all 50 states!


Down in successionist Texas, they are trying to rewrite reality to serve their agenda. The lady who got blown away by Rep Barney Frank's comments last week, STILL, doesnt know she got PWNED!

These conservatives live in a totally different reality then the rest of us Americans. In their world, this 'talk to the kids at school' is a first time thing. Well, I guess Conservatives failed on history alot in school. But that's not saying much of individuals with 6th grade educations.

On the sift that directly shows the clip this TyT is taking, I even showed 5-6 quotes from Mr. G. W. Bush. Trust me, the conservatives in this country have no valid ammo to support their talking points. They want parents to take their kids out of school, because the kids might get to the 7th grade and *gasp* start thinking for themselves.


How can this not be taken seriously? The President "King and Lord of all Humanity" needs to be concentrating on more important tasks than interacting with humans. A few things come to mind: Eating children, continuing his program of resurrecting Joseph Goebbels to teach him the ultimate secrets of propaganda, and let's not forget the urgent need to convert the country to communism and kill as many of the elderly, poor, and homeless before 2012 comes and dooms us. Priorities people!


I don't see this really as an issue. As long as Obama keeps his big fat mouth shut about his controversial agenda items, then go ahead and let him talk to the kids.

The only reason I can see people getting uptight on this is because Obama has a long, storied history of NOT being able to keep his big fat mouth shut. Go ahead and make your speech, Obama. I'm relatively certain though that it will be gone over with a fine tooth comb by his handlers to make sure it doesn't contain his standard "America sucks - we're sorry!" rhetoric, or backhanded plugs for his stupid carbon taxes and health care reform.

If it DOES end up having that stuff, or if Obama just can't stop himself from blabbing about it anyway, then I'm also relatively certain he'll catch raw, unadulterated hades for it. Bush made an address in like 1991 or so. Democrats of the day screamed and hollered about it being a campaign speech too.


Presidents do this often. Anybody remember where George W. Bush was at when the World Trade Center was attacked? Reading a book, talking to kids, and attending a class at an elementary school. I don't recall anybody trying to imply that he was indoctrinating children into attacking the Middle East.


Yeah - this is pretty much the Republican party trying to parley anything/everything they can into eroding Obama. They've got Obama on the defensive now, and they're pretty much using that to poke holes at everything the guy does.

Now, I don't think this particular attack on his speech to schools has any value. Presidents talk to kids frequently and it's no big deal. But for people who are getting their panties in a bunch over the Republicans for this - all I can say is 'grow up'. For 8 years the Democrats attacked anything and everything GWB did. For 8 years Republicans attacked anything and everything Clinton did. For 12 years Democrats attacked anything/everything Reagan/Bush1 did. This is just how the game is played. To act like it is some sort of outrageous, 'new low' in politics is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Don't like it? Well - you bloody well better get used to it because Obama has at least 3.4 long year more of it. Doesn't matter jack whether you like the guy or not. Being the President means you're eating a crap sandwich every day, and you have to do it with a smile on your face, whether it's fair or not. Deal with it.


>> ^HugeJerk:
Presidents do this often. Anybody remember where George W. Bush was at when the World Trade Center was attacked? Reading a book, talking to kids, and attending a class at an elementary school. I don't recall anybody trying to imply that he was indoctrinating children into attacking the Middle East.

Yes, and he was interrupted and told about the 2nd plane hitting, and know what he did? kept reading to the school children... I guess he didn't think it was important enough event to drop what he was doing and, you know, go to a secret bunker or something?

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