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Fluoride Deception -Toxic like asbestos and lead?

'The Fluoride Deception' reads like a whodunit. There are conspiracies, cover-ups, human casualties, and broken careers. The prime suspects in this toxic thriller are compounds of fluoride; the coconspirators represent industry, the military, and the public health community.

Fluoride Deception

...if you think it is not toxic, swallow a tablespoon of toothpaste and see what happens... go check yer liver enzymes-Long list of countries have outlawed flouridation of water-also a by-product of aluminum smelting-

4 out of five dentists surveyed, yadda yadda,....official words and experts are the problem we have created for a world of clueless idiots....we used to be able to navigate the planet without all the bullshit...


You'll find research in support of and against fluoride. Where my health is concerned, I prefer to take a conservative stance on ingesting chemicals. Water filters are easy enough to instal. Then when the city water controls mess up, you don't have to worry about parasitic contamination either.


You better not ingest the water then either. its *shudder*.... a chemical! Fluoride ions naturally occur in all water sources at .1-4ppm. "fluoridataion" of water simply means increasing the naturally found levels to 1ppm if they are lower than that. One cup of green tea contains .5 mg F ions. 10-20 times the level of fluoridated municipal water. where's the hyperobsessive paranoid fretting over that?!!


You'd know a thing or two about hyperobsessive paranoid fretting, I rekon Glu-just replace the idea of chemicals with religion and you and I start to look a lot more alike than you might like to think.


1) 97% of western Europe has chosen fluoride-free water.
2) Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication (to prevent tooth decay).
3) Contrary to previous belief, fluoride has minimal benefit when swallowed.
4) Fluoridated water is no longer recommended for babies.
5) There are better ways of delivering fluoride than adding it to water.
6) Ingestion of fluoride has little benefit, but many risks.
7) The industrial chemicals used to fluoridate water may present unique health risks not found with naturally-occurring fluoride complexes.
Water fluoridation’s benefits to teeth have been exaggerated.
9) Fluoridation poses added burden and risk to low-income communities.
10) Due to other sources, many people are being over-exposed to fluoride.


the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) never safety-tested fluoride for ingestion. Yet, the FDA recently OK'd cavity-preventing claims on fluoridated bottled water labels, giving Americans a false sense of security about the safety and effectiveness of drinking bottled water with fluoride added.

Sodium fluoride was sold before FDA safety and effectiveness testing laws were enacted in 1938 and 1962, respectively. So fluoride was exempt from scrutiny, or "grandfathered in," without any FDA human or animal studies. "The premise was that all pre-1938 drugs were considered safe," according to FDA correspondence.

Sodium fluoride was already sold pre-1938 but not as a decay preventive. As strange as it sounds, it commonly sold as a rat poison. The FDA has no information on the medical uses of fluoride before 1938


Sirex... you are correct it is found in many, many foods, and products of consumption. Here is the USDA National Fluoride Database of Selected
Beverages and Foods in pdf for those interested.

this brings up many interesting aspects to discuss. If flouride is found naturally in some / most water and there is trace amounts in nearly everything we consume, why do we need it added to our water ? Those trace amounts in each individual thing add up quickly over time.

GLUONIUM. please grace us with your knowledge that lets you dissmiss this video.

whether or not you think flouride is bad for your body. the bigger question is, why should our government have the right to force you to consume flouride by adding it to your tap water without your consent / permission. Answer. they shouldn't.


Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream!

A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.


Flouride is good for you. Jesus said, "It is not what goes in a man's mouth that makes him unclean, but that which comes out." It is written in the Proverbs of King Solomon, "He who seek good finds goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it." I seek good in the flouride, personally. I choose to believe the Bible above, not instead of, Science.
I believe that science would find more good in the world if science sought more good in the world. "As a man thinketh, so is he." Jesus said. "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you." If science, instead of asking, "Is there something wromg in the flouride?" would ask different questions,such as "What are some good and viable applications of flouride that we have yet to think of?" perhaps there would be a new answer com out of flouride instead of a new problem. It is doubt that kills. Faith gives life. I have faith in flouride just because of the words of Jesus.His words are Life. He is Messiah. God bless the EPA with new and positive answers instead of potential disasters and dangers, and that in the Name of Jesus Christ.
True enough, it may be harder to go that route, but the high road usually is.

It is written, "The foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength." Amen. Hallelujah. The LORD is Good. In Him is no evil. Amen and amen. Jesus is Lord. God bless you all.


Fluoride May Damage the Brain, New Report Says

New York – February 26, 2008 -- "It is not clear that the benefits of adding fluoride to drinking water outweigh risks of neurodevelopment or other effects such as dental fluorosis," according to an Institute for Children's Environmental Health report. (1)

Fluoride chemicals are added to 2/3 of U.S. public water supplies ostensibly to reduce tooth decay. Fluoride is found in dental products, supplements and virtually all foods and beverages (2).

"Excessive fluoride ingestion is known to lower thyroid hormone levels, which is particularly critical for women with subclinical hypothyroidism; decreased maternal thyroid levels adversely affect fetal neurodevelopment," reports a prestigious committee of scientists and health professionals in a “Scientific Consensus Statement on Environmental Agents Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders.”

Studies they reviewed and others link fluoride to brain abnormalities and/or IQ deficits. (3)

"The question is what level of exposure results in harmful effects to children. The primary concern is that multiple routes of exposure, from drinking water, food and dental care products, may result in a high enough cumulative exposure to fluoride to cause developmental effects," they write.

"Given the serious consequences of LDDs [learning and developmental disabilities], a precautionary approach is warranted to protect the most vulnerable of our society," the authors caution.

"It's time to stop water fluoridation," says lawyer Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation. “With many neurological diseases, such as autism and ADD, afflicting too many American children, fluoride's dubious promises of less cavities no longer outweigh fluoride's serious health risks," says Beeber.

The National Research Council reviewed fluoride toxicology evidence and reported in March 2006 that studies linking fluoride to lowered IQ are plausible.(3a)

"The real dental dilemma facing American children today is their inability to get dental care," says Beeber. “Eighty-percent of dentists refuse Medicaid patients (4) and 108 million Americans don’t have dental insurance (5),” says Beeber.

Studies show that when fluoridation ends, cavities actually go down. (6)

Please sign the petition urging Congress to end fluoridation and hold hearings about why federal officials continue to promote water fluoridation in the face of growing scientific evidence of harm at .

Dr. Phyllis Mullenix was the first U.S. scientist to find evidence that fluoride damages the brain. She published her study in a respected peer-reviewed scientific journal (7) and then was fired because she wouldn’t squelch it.(8)


1) Institute for Children's Environmental Health, “Scientific Consensus Statement on Environmental Agents

Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders,”

Developed by the Collaborative on Health and the Environment’s

Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative

November 7, 2007 released February 20, 2008

2) USDA National Fluoride Database of Selected
Beverages and Foods - 2004

3a) The National Academies of Science, Committee on Fluoride in
Drinking Water, National Research Council, "Fluoride in Drinking
Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards," March 2006

4) Slate, “Hidden Rations Why poor kids can't find a dentist,” by Anne Alstott
May 29, 2007

5) American Dental Education Association/American Association for Dental Research Testimony presented by Dr. Nick Mosca

March 27, 2007 Before the House Energy and Commerce Committee


7) Mullenix P, et al. (1995). “Neurotoxicity of Sodium Fluoride in Rats,” Neurotoxicology and Teratology 17:169-177)

Dr. Phyllis Mullenix interview:

Videos: Part 1

Part 2

SOURCE: NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc

PO Box 263

Old Bethpage, NY 11804



The only benefit of fluoride is topical fortification of tooth enamel. There is no reason to ingest it, and many potential harms from ingesting it. 1ppm F- ion in drinking water causes a pattern of behavioral deficits in rats (search google scholar for Varner Fluoride)


Everything is a poison; the dose determines whether it is harmful. And the science has been done to prove that 1ppm of F- ion in drinking water causes brain damage in rats. The typical range of F- ion equivalent in fluoridated drinking water is 0.7-1.3 ppm, usually delivered as hexafluorosilicate.

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