First person video of speed gliding on the Eiger.


My first video submission. I've seen videos of this sport before, but they were at ski Resorts. This is the north face of the Eiger, and the sensation of speed and danger sets this video apart from any other I've seen. Hope you enjoy.

From Acro Base productions. Big summit speed riding : Eiger


whoa, that vid got my hands all clammy. I thought that glider at first was just the kind that you only hold on to so when he/she went off the cliff edge first thought was "you better have a tight grip"..


Man... you know you're jaded when flying off a 1000ft high jagged cliff at 50mph doesn't even warrant even a subvocalized "Whoop!"

Either that or his expression was much like Fletch's cat.


Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Monday 20th November 2006 (promotion called by gold star member michie)


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