Facebook Beta Testing Online-Banking

Would you do your banking online via Facebook?

I guess they need to figure out a way to make their stock worth something... give them your money! lawl.

Now, as much as this seems like a horrible idea, it will be interesting to see if kids who literally grew up with facebook will buy into this. Keep in mind that just 15 years ago, the idea of on-line banking and paying for things over the internet was pretty radical. It took me a pretty long time to trust Amazon and that is now so standard that retail stores are shutting down in its wake.

I have a sudden urge to say "GET OFF MY LAWN!"


and this is laughable compared to the great system we have now? where your money is stolen, then stolen again to reimburse the thieves? who then want more money?

facebook banking is your future, because your future is on credit and the money hasnt been real for a loooooong time ~~

you trust a bank? looool


I think Anna and Cenk have sand in their vaginas. How would it be any different from Paypal or Google Checkout? You do know google has a checkout right? Facebook wants that action too.

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