One of my favorite cities in the world ... devoid of humanity. Eerie and beautiful. Here's how they did it:

"Executive Producer: Aston Kutcher"

Glad he's doing cool stuff with his cash.

Popular Youtube comment for the "making of" video: "Observant people will notice that the shadows on the bridge don't move but the ones in the water do "


1. I love this city. If I had to live in one major city in America, it would be San Francisco.

2. Check out the same treatment of London in Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later. Eerie!


I've spent many days/weeks in Seattle. Another great, great city. What I like about both is that on Sunday afternoons, in certain areas, they really are empty and you can really breathe in the history.>> ^PlayhousePals:

>> ^silvercord:
1. I love this city. If I had to live in one major city in America, it would be San Francisco.
2. Check out the same treatment of London in Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later. Eerie!

!. It's the only city I'd consider relocating to IF I had to leave Seattle
2. Agreed!

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