Elon Musk: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses Elon Musk, the influence he has over more than just his businesses, and the perfect place for him and Mark Zuckerberg to finally have that cage match.
newtboyjokingly says...

I just mean isn’t a prerequisite for any cartoonish supervillain to have a white fluffy lap companion in homage to Ernst Stavro Blofield?
Hank Scorpio being the exception that proves the rule.


for a mini Musk? Hmm... now that I think about it, his ego wouldn't even allow mini Musk to share some of the spotlight.


Uh oh….Twitter is now banned in Brazil, and the EU is about to heavily fine it up to 6% of its international gross or even ban it too because Musk refuses to comply with the laws and told them to “take a step back and literally fuck your own face.” when reminded he has to comply with the laws in the countries his platform is operating in.

Revenue is down 85%+ since the idiot took over. He may well be forced to sell a ton of Tesla stock to keep the doors open….unless the felon puts him in charge of “government efficiency” (meaning he could award himself government contracts and raid the treasury with no product free money contracts.)

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