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Early Jackass: Mace, Stun-gun, Taser + Knoxville shoots hims


I have a SLIGHT problem with the part of the supposed .38 to the chest.
Sorry, but he would have gone to the ground... period.

He was using what he called a "Level 2A" vest. This is the the second least effective vest made. It is rated for slower velocity 9mm and .357's. Of course the .38 is moving pretty slow at about 800fps, but we are still talking about absorbing a lot of force.

Even had he used sure footing, his body position was in no way set for the actual forces he would have felt. Regardless of dropping the gun, the velocity and force would have knocked him over. Legs spread, torso bent backwards, head leaning back, arms close together in front of him... stand like that and see if someone can't push you over with a good nudge from the front.

I've seen men brought to tears with shots from less force. A .38 to the chest, in that way, there is no way he would have been thinking "Oh, gotta remember to run over and pick up the gun." The reaction would have been closer to his reaction from the taser gun. He WOULD have been on his butt in some severe pain.

Vests do not make you immune from the pain, they simply stop the projectile from ripping flesh while exerting the same forces over a larger area.

There used to be a video going around of a reporter who shot himself with a .22 while wearing a vest. I LOVED that video, because it shows how stupid people can be, in their understanding of vests.


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