Donald Trump Wants To Ban All Muslims

NEW YORK CITY — Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Monday called for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," a campaign press release said.

Trump, who has previously called for surveillance against mosques and said he was also game to setting up a database for all Muslims living in the U.S., made his comments in the wake of the San Bernardino mass shooting, and a day after President Barack Obama's Oval Office address.

"Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine," the real estate mogul said in a statement. "Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life."

Trump's ban would not only apply to Muslims planning to immigrate to the U.S., but also to Muslim tourists. Trump did say Muslims currently living in the U.S. are okay though.

Presidential candidates from the right and left quickly denounced Trump's comments. But will it be enough to take down Trump, who is still destroying the rest of the GOP field in the polls?

The only thing that makes sense to me is that he never thought his campaign would get this far and he's just trying to end it without alienating his 'base'....that, or he's actually an evil super genius, is really still a democrat, and this whole 'presidential campaign by an uneducated, unfiltered id' thing is a super sneaky way to destroy the republican party by bringing all the crazies and bigots that make up it's base out into the light. Unfortunately, it also shows the world that there's a HUGE portion of Americans uneducated and paranoid enough that he's still running...and much worse, winning in one party. That's terrifying.


Wait, what? He wants to ban Muslims from entering the country, but the ones already here can stay? But promises to deport Mexicans by the truckload.

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